Friday, October 26, 2012

Faith matters in climate change

The Green Bible is a 2008 edition of the Christian holy book, published by HarperCollins. There are more than 1,000 references to the Earth in the Bible, and this 2008 copy is printed on recycled paper using soy-based ink.

Likewise, Islam’s Koran also contains numerous surahs (chapters) that both enlighten and command Muslims to use and not abuse the natural bounty the Earth provides. “Do not commit abuse on the Earth, spreading corruption.” (Al-Ankabut 29:36) is just one example. >>>>>

Islam and Ecology: Theology, Law and Practice of Muslim Environmentalism

Awal Oktober ini terbit pembahasan khusus tentang Muslim Environmentalism atau gerakan lingkungan di kalangan Muslim dalam  WORLDVIEW sebuah jurnal yang sangat berpengaruh tentang agama global,  ekologi dan budaya (global religions, cultures and ecology). Jurnal menjadi special issue Islam and Ecology: SELANJUTNYA>>>

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

World Muslim Leadership and Sustainable Development

World Muslim Leadership Forum (WMLF) mengadakan pertemuan kedua dengan tema World Muslim Leadership Forum on Youth Leadership yang terkait dengan Pemuda dan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (Youth and Sustainable Development). Selanjutnya >>>>